Exhibitors - to obtain an application form contact the relevant marquee manager.
Axe Vale Show is committed to producing an excellent event for visitors to enjoy and for exhibitors to be able to showcase their produce and services. We ask that everyone interested in exhibiting download a copy of the exhibitors guide. Guidance on stand prices can be found here.
There are 5 main marquee tents, Floral, Crafts, Food Hall, Vintage, Retro and Antiques and Toys and Hobbies. Space in the Marquees can be booked via the Marquee Manager – details can be found in each marquee listing.
Trade Stands
There is a great array of trade stands selling everything from garden machinery and kitchens to ceramics, local produce, clothes and much more. Open space trade stand and Avenue Trade Stand space is available to book by contacting trade@axevaleshow.co.uk
Charities can rent space for stands at a reduced rate. Charities wishing to have a stall are advised to read the Exhibitor's Guide. In order to avoid too much duplication, some charities may not be granted a stall every year. Charity stand space is available to book by contacting trade@axevaleshow.co.uk
Outside demonstrators showcasing particular skills, crafts or specialist services are always popular, in the past outside demonstrators have included a willow artist, farrier, Devon & Somerset Fire & Rescue Service, cider making and more. Outside demonstrator space is available Contact enquiries@axevaleshow.co.uk
Axe Vale Show is proud to host top entertainment for visitors in the main arena and live music at the band stand. If you are interested in performing, please contact 01297 34517. Contact entertainment@axevaleshow.co.uk
Licensed bars, take-away food, snack bars and Ice cream are all available. If you wish to apply for a concession please contact 01297 34517. Contact trade@axevaleshow.co.uk
Exhibitors wishing to have a stall are advised to read the Exhibitor's Guide.