Exhibitors Q&A
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How do I apply to take part in the Show & what do pitches cost?
When should I apply?
In order to secure a place please apply as soon as possible. Details of Exhibitors whose applications that are confirmed and whose payment has been received in full before 14th June. Completing an application does not secure you a place at the Show. The section Manager will review your application and accept/reject depending on factors including the mix of other stands in the Marquee.
What is the full process?
- the application forms
- completed health & safety / risk assessment form
- copy of your Public Liability Insurance
- completed electrical request form
- Pay in full by 14th June
I need more Wristbands of Exhibitor tickets.
Please order these on your application form.
When do I need to pay?
Full payment needs to be received by 14th June April 2nd 2025.
How do I pay?
Please pay via BACS to Axe Vale Festival Ltd. Sort Code 30-90-37, account number 35115660, using your trading name as a reference.
What if I apply after 14th June?
If there is space remaining, we will need you to pay in full immediately, if your application is accepted.
When is the show ground open?
What about Parking?
What about wristbands?
On Show days these must be worn at all times. Without them you will not be able to gain access to the Showground. These are your only means of entry
Is Electricity available for my stand?
I want to sell food and drink what is required?
You will need to adhere to the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 and be registered with your local authority. We will also ask you to complete a risk assessment form (we will send this to you) You will also need to have Public Liability Insurance. A Gas Safety Certificate which covers your equipment will be needed as well as a PAT test Certificate.
I am a caterer: can I trade at the Show?
Catering concessions are awarded each year and cover catering in mobile units around the Showground. For further details please contact food@axevaleshow.co.uk
I am a food retailer or producer: can I come to the Show?
Yes! Stands are available in the Food Hall and on the Showground for producers of great food products. If we are pushed for space, we give preference to local food producers and we limit the number of each type of product. If you are a trader of lovely foods that you don’t necessarily make yourself then we have trade stands available.
I am a bit of both – a food producer and I want to sell some of my products hot.
We have space in the Food Hall for a number of food producers, coffee roasters etc.
What about selling drinks?
The same applies as above, if you are a producer you can exhibit in the Food Hall and if you wish may also sell your products for drinking on site. If you are a retailer selling drinks made by others they you can take a stand outside in the food marquee and only offer samples for drinking.
Is the site covered by a Premises License?
No, the site is not covered by a premises license so each trader will need a temporary events notice issued by East Devon District Council. This will need to be displayed on your stand.
What can I do with my rubbish?
Can I bring my dog?
Well behaved dogs on short leads are welcome. Dogs are not allowed in the Food Marquee (including on your pitch) or the covered seating area. Please pick up after your dog (bins are available on site). Water is available around the Showground.
Is mains water available on site?
Yes, mains water is available via standpipes.