Exhibitors Q&A

Download Setting Up GuideDOWNLOAD SETTING UP GUIDE FOR TRADE  Terms & Conditions 2024 Health and Safety Doc Traders Risk Assessment

​How do I apply to take part in the Show & what do pitches cost?

Please request or download an application form via the links provided on the relevant page of our website & also shown below or if in doubt please ring  01297 34517 and leave us a message on our answerphone so that we can get back to you. Prices for pitches in 2023 are shown in the attached file.   

​Email us on the following links

If you are unsure which section is most relevant to you please contact us

When should I apply?

In order to secure a place please apply as soon as possible. Details of Exhibitors whose applications that are confirmed and whose payment has been received in full before April 2nd Completing an application does not secure you a place at the Show. The section Manager will review your application and accept/reject depending on factors including the mix of other stands in the Marquee. 

What is the full process?

Step 1: - Apply for an application form as outlined above

Step 2: - Once accepted you will be given a   Unique Reference Number which you must use on all correspondence and as payment reference. We will also provide you with additional details regarding the set up of the Show and what to expect on the Show day itself. This will include an electrical supply request form and a check list

Step 3: - Complete & send back the relevant forms from the list below.

  • the application forms

  • completed risk assessment form Health and Safety Doc

  • copy of your Public Liability Insurance

  • completed electrical request form

  • Pay in full by April 2nd (remember to use your Unique Reference Number)

Step 4. Once we have received your completed application and considered your application we will send you confirmation/rejection of your booking and more details regarding the set up of the Show.

Step 5. Nearer the date of the Show, we will send a Car Pass, 2 free wristbands (included in pitch fees) and any additional requirements listed on your application form.

I need more Wristbands or Exhibitor tickets.

Please order these on your Application form.

When do I need to pay?

​Full payment needs to be received by April 2nd 2023.

On all payments please quote your Unique Reference Number

How do I pay?

Please pay via BACS to Axe Vale Festival Ltd. Sort Code 30.90.37 A/C 35115660 and quote your Unique Reference Number that we gave you in order that we can efficiently track your payment.

What if I apply after April 2nd?

If there is space remaining, we will need you to pay in full immediately. Unfortunately, you will not be included in the Show Guide as printing deadlines will have passed.  

When is the show ground open?

The ground is open for setting up


9.00 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.


6.30 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.


6.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.


7.00 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.

By 9.30a.m. all Exhibitors must be set up and ready to trade. All vehicles must be moved to the Car Park B by 9.30 am.

For safety considerations It is absolutely forbidden for any vehicle to be moved around the Showground during opening hours.

You are expected to stay open for trading right up until closing time on each day.

What about Parking?

Exhibitors should use Car Park B. Display the Car Pass we provided in your vehicle windscreen before you arrive at the Show

What about Exhibitors Badges?

These will be given to you on arrival – it does not secure you access to the site but does allow others to identify you as an exhibitor.

What about wrist bands?

On Show-days these must be worn at all times. Without them you will not be able to gain access to the Showground.

Is Electricity available for my stand?

Yes, please include your requirements on your application form.

All electrical equipment must be declared on your application form.

You must ensure that all electrical equipment is in safe working order and has been tested.

Please note that the electricity is only available during the Show opening times unless you make alternative arrangements at the time of booking.

The use of private generators is not permitted.

I want to sell food and drink what is required?

You will need to adhere to the Food Hygiene Regulations 2006 and be registered with your local authority. We will also ask you to complete a risk assessment form (we will send this to you) You will also need to have Public Liability Insurance. A Gas Safety Certificate which covers your equipment will be needed as well as a PAT test Certificate.

I am a caterer: can I trade at the Show?

A single mobile catering concession is awarded each year and covers catering in mobile units around the showground. The concession holder does on occasions sublet to a range of caterers for pitches at the Show. If you would like to have details of how to contact this years’ concession holder, then please contact food@axevaleshow.co.uk

I am a food retailer or producer: can I come to the Show?

Yes! Stands are available in the Food Hall for producers of great food products. If we are pushed for space, we give preference to local food producers and we limit the number of each type of product.  If you are a trader of lovely foods that you don’t necessarily make yourself then we have trade stands available.  We try to group these together near the main food hall so that we have a distinctively foodie feel to that end of the Showground.

I am a bit of both – a food producer and I want to sell some of my products hot.

We have space in the Food Hall for a limited number of food producers, coffee roasters etc. who make great stuff and call also sell it as refreshments in the Hall.  The deal is that you must be producer and you must be primarily selling your products as raw items as well. Like a farmer or butcher selling meats and also doing cooked steak burgers. 

Where a food is cooked, an extractor fan ducted to outside of the marquee must be used.

What about selling drinks?

The same applies as above, if you are a producer you can exhibit in the Food Hall and if you wish may also sell your products for drinking on site. If you are a retailer selling drinks made by others they you can take a stand outside in the food marquee and only offer samples for drinking. 

Is the site covered by a Premises License?

No, the site is not covered by a premises license so each trader will need a temporary events notice issued by East Devon County Council. This will need to be displayed on your stand.

What can I do with my rubbish?

Any litter/refuse can be put in the skips provided. Please flatten all cardboard.

Caterers are expected to provide their own food waste bins and recyclable materials are encouraged.

Can I bring my dog?

Well behaved dogs on short leads are welcome. Dogs are not allowed in the food Marquee or the covered seating area.  Please pick up after your dog (bins are available on site). Water is available around the show ground.

Is mains water available on site?

Yes, mains water is available via standpipes,

What about safety?

In order to keep everybody safe we ask that everybody abides by the fire and safety regulations.

Please note that no heating or cooking appliances are allowed to be installed within a Marquee or stand which is not specifically laid out for that purpose.

Appliances should be installed on a non-combustible heat insulating base and surround on fireproof cement sheets or insulating board. This should be at least 2ft away from anything combustible. Such appliances need to be kept away from the public, as should any gas cylinders.

The Organisers may inspect all Marquees and stands with respect to health and safety risk assessments and may be accompanied by a Fire Officer who reserves the right to ban anything they consider to be unsafe.

All Exhibitors using bottled gas should supply a suitable fire extinguisher.

We expect exhibitors to comply with appropriate safety precautions when operating machinery, which should be guarded from the public.

Any accident should be reported to the Control Point or to a Committee member, who can be identified by their orange jackets so that appropriate action may be taken and logged.

How can I promote the Show?

Yes, please do. The more publicity the better.  Please contact media@axevaleshow.co.uk for logos/imagery.  We will be advertising the Show across a range of magazines, newspapers and online. Please include your attendance at the show on all your platforms.  Together we can promote the two great days!

Can I camp onsite?

Yes, if you want to bring a caravan or tent, just put it on your Application Form. There will be an area put aside in car park B with a WC and water supplied. Alternatively, there is a camping area at the area opposite the Showground.

No overnight camping or sleeping is permitted on the Showground itself. Sleeping within the Marquees and display vehicles is permitted provided a wristband is being worn and with the consent of the organisers in order that we can inform our security company. 

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